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Online Mental Health Services - Delaware

According to the United States Census, 26.6% of Delaware residents reported experiencing anxiety and depression in the seven days (September 29 to October 11) before this 2021 survey. Mental health concerns are becoming increasingly common among Americans. Taking proactive steps to address and improve mental health through high-quality care is growing exponentially. In 2019-2020, more than 50 million American adults experienced mental health challenges or concerns; you are not alone.


Identifying Root Causes of Your Mental Health Concerns

Our mental health is as important as our spiritual and physical health. Unfortunately, when you are struggling with your mental health, it is not as visible as the latter. It often takes the assistance of an experienced professional to help identify root causes and treat some of the more debilitating effects. And for this reason, our online mental health services in Delaware seek to be a cornerstone of support and guidance as you navigate what can be burdensome mental health struggles.


Maybe you're depressed, struggling with self-injury or thoughts of suicide, panic attacks, emotional numbness, or chemical dependency. Your mental health concerns are real and severe, and treatment and solutions exist. Over 28% of adults don't get treatment for their mental health concerns; that's 28 million Americans. At the same time, over 2.7% of youth experience major depression. We want to bring treatment straight into your home.


Your Experiences Meet Our Proven Interventions

We understand that you are the expert on your own life. And thus, you are a primary part of your mental health journey. We come alongside you to ask the right questions, reveal potential pathways for your healing, and ensure you receive the safest and most beneficial care. Working together, our online mental health services in Delaware will use proven mental health interventions suitable for you and assist you in improving your self-awareness. Furthermore, you will gain healthy coping skills, create flexible, realistic treatment plans, and process the pain of deep wounds at your pace.


Highly Qualified Multi-Disciplinary Professional

Whether you are aware of what ails you or seek a highly qualified professional to help pinpoint and unearth what lies beneath areas of concern, our psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner provides that and more. Do you suspect you, a child, or a loved one needs ADHD testing online or help for addictions? We offer testing, addiction treatment, medication management and refills for bipolar disorder, talk therapy for depression and anxiety, and more–we are here to serve. 


Easy Remote Video-Chat Sessions

Online mental health services in Delaware make mental health highly accessible in a post-COVID world. Therapy takes place in the comfort of your own home. Delivering online video-based mental health services in Delaware allows you to make time for therapy despite a busy schedule. You can receive help without navigating congested traffic or much disruption to your daily routine, especially if you only require a quick check-in. Furthermore, we deliver some of the most efficient, effective, competent, and compassionate mental healthcare on this side of the Mid-Atlantic.

Accessible mental health online services in Delaware means you don't have to carry this burden alone. Visit our FAQ to answer some common questions and find a complete list of services here. Our primary goal is to help you improve your overall mental health and reach your full potential. 

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