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In recent years, online mental health services for Florida residents have become more critical than ever. Conditions such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, addiction, depression, and binge eating are becoming harder to find treatment for due to space, time, and natural disasters. The world just isn’t as it used to be.


That is why we desire to change the world at Safe Haven Health rather than resist it. We created Safe Haven to deliver online video-based mental health services to Florida residents. Our passionate and empathetic medical staff is devoted to ensuring you, and you alone, are empowered to live your best life alongside your condition. We accept and want to help everyone tired of living their life around the schedules of clinics and working hours and want to bring the clinic into their own home on their terms.


While we want to help everyone, we cannot assist those with mental health conditions that will receive the best possible care with hands-on, one-to-one medical appointments. These conditions include acute mania, suicidal thoughts, homicidal thoughts, and severe neurological disorders.


A Guide Through the Storm

Safe Haven Health was founded by Giovanni Pierre, who wanted to destigmatize mental health services. Pierre started delivering online video-based mental health services to Florida residents by creating a clinic online. The videos allow them to maintain their privacy, work around their busy schedules, and receive the care they need without worrying about finding a clinic that may not support their condition or insurance.


The online mental health services in Florida follow the same four guiding principles that Safe Haven has promoted since its inception:



At Safe Haven Health, we want every patient, from ages six and up, to have access to the best possible mental health regardless of space. By bringing the clinic to your house, we ensure that our medical professionals can assist with mental health online services for Florida residents.



Upholding the highest standards of HIPAA governance (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), Safe Haven ensures that medical attention, professionalism, and knowledge will be held to the utmost scrutiny. Our empathetic medical professionals will devote their time to your health and wellness for your benefit.



Too often, medical professionals take power out of your hands. It is your body, and you should decide what happens to it. At Safe Haven Health, we empower you to make those decisions, giving you the tools and the knowledge to determine what you want for yourself and your lifestyle.



Regardless of your creed, ethnicity, gender, or background, Safe Haven will ensure that your needs are met whenever you seek out mental health online services in Florida. Mental health does not need to be stigmatized and denied to those who need it–it is an inalienable right for everyone.


Take Control of Your Mental Health

At Safe Haven, any questions are yours to ask. Seeking online mental health services in Florida shouldn’t be difficult, so take out the complexity and let us here at Safe Haven Health guide you through the storm into an empowered, better tomorrow for your mental health.

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